Day 7: Tui to O Porriño - Friday, September 30, 2011

Party time in O Porriño 

We had hoped that we might be able to get breakfast on the way out of Tui but it was not to be; our first coffee was more than 9km away.

On route we had to cross a motorway which highlighted the Spanish approach to lavish spending on new roads. We left a minor tarred road to walk up a dirt track and enter a forest. Round the first bend the dirt track gave way to tarmacadam which led on to a fine new bridge over the motorway. It was wide enough to carry at least three lanes of traffic but as soon as we were across we were back on a forest dirt track.

A short distance further on we came to Cruceiro San Telmo. Six or seven locals were there with a variety of implements, presumably to tidy the site. They seemed to be bit grudging with their 'buenos dias'.

Coffee and a muffin were really appreciated when we reached Orbenlle and it was helped by meeting up with fellow peregrinos, including for the first time a German-based Iranian and his daughter.

Soon we were in Porrino's industrial zone which continues for a number of kilometres. The road was shortened for a time by the company of Hari, but we were slowing him down so we sent him on his way.

The next bit of excitement was the appearance of the Google camera car. Whether it was recording or not remains to be seen. (I suspect not as I have since checked Google Street View and that stretch of road has already been covered.)

O Porriño seems to have a poor reputation because of its industrial zone but it is in fact a delightful town. We had lunch outside a restaurant on the main street and, soon after we finished, workmen started to put up barriers in preparation for some sort of festival.

In the evening the town was thronged with families - walking, eating, drinking and watching cyclists and runners compete in races around a circuit which started and finished in the town centre. Along with Hari we we're in among them enjoying tapas.

This was probably our shortest day. We stayed in O Porriño's excellent albergue. The light sleepers we're not as impressed as I was, as the motorway was very close and the party in the town went on late into the night.

A five-star albergue

Images of O Porriño 



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